Blog 5

           Many characteristics we have come from our parents. Sometimes it’s something passed on thought genes and other times is something learned from our environment. We can see an example of this in Darwins life. Many of his family members were involved in the science field. Darwin didn’t want to be a physician like his father and other family members but physicians and other scientist have similar mind sets. Darwin was also able to help his brother with chemistry experiments, sparking his interest in science. On top of this science atmosphere his father also was all way pushing him to do well in school. Darwin is a smart man but easily became uninterested at school so didn’t do as well and he should have. Without his home life like this he could have been a completely different person.

One of the most interesting things to me, since there was similarity in Ben Franklin, is that Darwins family had attended meetings like Junto. Erasmus and Josiah participated in the Lunar Society discussion group. This would also encourage there home life to be open to open discussions about science and encouraging the mind set of always asking questions and being open to new ideas. Darwin also was a part of organizations like these. He was a member of Plinian Society when he first was sent with his brother to study medicine. Once he moved to Cambridge he would go to meetings to talk about science with students and faculty at Henslow’s house. He was always attending group discussions meetings to be able to talk to like-minded people.


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