Blog 10
We read about “the capacity to be alone”, a trait that I see in my self and never really thought of it being important or a skill. This trait is also pretty common in the scientific related career fields. Often times this capability is seen as being shy, social awkward, or introverted. These are not the same qualities but are often times grouped together by nonscientist when judging scientist. When scientist are alone we aren’t just hiding from people, we are in our own heads. We are thinking about everything, observing and questions the things we see, and being carious about the world.
As a female scientist I can’t imagine growing up a society that thought I was unusual for females to have intellectual desires and enjoying learning things. I get annoyed with the inequality of women in science in the year 2017 but a hundred years ago it was a hundred times worse. The fact there was only two university’s where women could get an education blows my mind. I’m grateful that I was born into a time where at least I have the ability to become a scientist, if I was born a hundred years ago my mind would have been wasted on cooking below average meals for my family.
Even though Cornell was one of the first universities to have female students many of the degrees given to the females was in home economics. This was definitely a step in the right direction but I don’t see why a home economics program was a degree program or why they needed to create a program just because they allowed girl in. The girls should have just been allowed to get the same degrees the men were getting. It took even more time to allow a woman to teach anything other than home economics. They also wouldn’t give McClintock a job even though they allowed her to use all their supplies. I can only assume this is because they knew she was a great scientist but they didn’t think the rest of society could handle the fact a good scientist was a female. It was interesting to see that the men that were her colleagues recognized how important she was and didn’t belittle her for being a woman yet in the mind of nonscientist women were shouldn’t be in that field. I think this shows that the men were also a good scientist because they didn’t care about who was finding this advancement but just that “the truths of the natural world” was being found.
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